Q.Rose bush with spotted leaves and holes
I have many beautiful blooms on my rose bush but have noticed the leaves have beige colored spots and over a course of just a few days a lot of holes in the leaves as well. What is it and how do I treat?
It appears that you have either small worms or insects eating away at the leaf tissue on alot of your rosebush foliage. It can be difficult to get at them. If you spray an insecticide, be sure to to get the spray up under the leaves so that it gets at the pests that attack from that area. I like to use either Bayer Tree & Shrub Granules or Bayer Rose & Flower Granules. Apply as per the label directions, work lightly into the soils and water in well. The systemic insecticide moves up into the rosebushes through their root systems and get rid of the pests. The leave typically will not heal over but the new foliage coming on should be free from such damage. If not, I recommend spraying the rosebushes thoroughly with your insecticide of choice being mindful of getting the spray up under all the foliage. Also spray the foliage of nearby bushes or shrubs as they could be providing safe haven for the culprits.