Q.rose bush that’s gone crazy!
Hi, I have had a Fairy Rose Bush in my garden for several years, and it has bloomed with the correct flowers for maybe 3 of those years. Last year 1 shoot came up with a different color rose, and to me it resembled a climbing rose. So, what I did was cut it down to a low bush, and now it is growing just like a climbing rose bush, but with no buds showing any where!
What should I do?

It sounds like you have a grafted rosebush, which is a hardy rootstock rose and the the rose you bought it to be grafted onto that root stock. The shoot that came up that was different was from the hardy root stock. If the entire bush has now taken on that same nature and appearance, then the upper desired part of the overall bush has died somehow and will likely not return. In such a case it is best to dig out the entire bush and replace it with a rosebush that you like and desire to grow.