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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Rose bush drying from inside out?

Zone 83713 | aronzo96 added on March 10, 2016 | Answered

There is a white rose bush planted at my mother’s house that’s been there about ten years. I’m not sure what variety, though sometimes it has specks of red or pink in the flowers. My mother planted it on the south side of the house in partial sun, and the soil is a light brown clay. In the summer, it often grows up the wall of the house and reaches over the roof. I’ve started noticing thorns on the branches that appear to have rotted away, leaving scars and some of the branches are green on the outside but turning brown on the inside. It hasn’t dried out in the middle yet. This bush has had problems with aphids and bugs in the past, along with occasional malformed flowers. My mother left this bush mostly uncared for, but I’d like to know if there’s a way to treat it.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 12, 2016

I would recommend getting some Bayer Tree & Shrub granules. Place the granules around the bush as recommended on the label for Ornamentals, roses and shrubs. This product is systemic and gets after the bugs and funguses that like to cause problems. Also water the rosebush with some water that has a product called Super Thrive mixed in it along with a good Root Stimulator in the same water. Add them both to the water as if each was the only thing being added to the water. After a couple weeks spray the rosebush with a fungicide such as one named Green Cure. This should get the rosebush going well. At the same time that you are going to spray the rosebush, sprinkle 1/2 cup of Epsom Salts all around the base of the rosebush, work into the soils lightly and water in. Your rosebush will thank you for this care to improve its health. Here is a link of good articles for you as well: >> https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/roses/

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