Q.rosarian disease
I have 9 knockout roses that have this disease.How long should I wait to replace more of these roses? I’m going to follow your directions on digging up and carefully disposing all the plants. Thank you for your help. Sylvia Labriola

I forgot to add this link about rose rosette disease:

I don't think there is an answer to your question yet. The current advice is to not replace infected roses with new ones in the same location. Removing all roots from infected bushes is advised as there is now some evidence of root to root spread of the virus. Removing the soil is an option but how deep to go isn't clear. In addition, if the virus is in your neighborhood, planting roses now may be an invitation for the virus to return via the mite vector. For example, some areas decimated by the emerald ash borer are advising their citizens to avoid planting ash trees at this time.