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Anonymous added on July 30, 2011 | Answered

What is soilless mix? What does leafbud mean? What is the best time to take cutting from a rose bush? Not sure I understand how to get my cuttings.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 31, 2011

The following article should be of some help to you: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/tgen/how-to-root-cuttings-from-various-shrubs-bushes-and-trees.htm

First, soilless mix is simply a potting medium that contains peat, usually perlite or vermiculite and sometimes fertilizer, but no soil. Leaf buds are simply the buds from which new leaves develop, similar to flower buds; however, you will often see the leaf buds appear first. These are located on the branches.

The best time to take rose cuttings is early spring or fall. Cuttings may be taken from either hard or soft wood. The easiest method is to cut a piece of rose stem about 6 inches long, remove the bottom set ofleaves, and just stick the stem into the ground (or into a pot) a couple inches deep, and cover with a jar or bottle. You will need to periodically water the soil around the jar; otherwise, the rose stem will dry out. It will take a couple of months for the rose stem to take root and begin leafing out with its new growth.

Some cuttings root faster than others. Check for root development by gently pulling on the cutting. If it shows some resistance, then roots have usually developed. If it pulls out too easily, then it should be left alone and rechecked within another week or two.

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