Q.Rooting habits of Crepe Myrtle
I have just removed 5 “Pyrus Usseriensis” because of the robust and aggressive rooting habits of these trees. I wish to replace them with Crepe Myrtles (CMs) but do not know about the rooting habits of CMs. The garden bed is 1.2 metres wide and over 6 metres long. The garden bed is bordered by a retaining wall (approx 80 mm high) and lawn on the opposite side.
Crepe Myrtle vary is size from small shrubs to larger trees.
These modest sizes do reduce the chance of damage to concrete.
Crepe Myrtles do not have large surface roots.
To be safe you should locate a Crepe Myrtle 6 feet from structures and 4 feet from sidewalks and driveways.