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Roma Tomato Plants

Q.Roma Tomato Ripening

Zone 33611 | Anonymous added on June 25, 2021 | Answered

I have a determinate Roma tomato plant that I started from seed about 3 months ago. And it has about 15 tomatoes on it now and 8 of them are pretty large. However I was wondering if they would ripen, as it has been 31 days since the 8 large fruit have started growing on the plant. The daytime temps are 87°to 93° And night temps 75° to 78°. Since the night temp is in the ideal range for ripening, will they ripen even though the day temps are high? If not how would I go about turning these tomatoes red as they are full size but have no pigment at all (fully green). -Thank you

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 8, 2021

The heat will be the reason for lack of ripening, likely. This can be mitigated, slightly, by using a shade cloth for the hottest portions of the day. it will not solve the issue if ambient temperatures are that high, outside of the direct sunlight.

Unfortunately, you may be at the mercy of the elements, here.

What you can do, is pull them off and let them ripen indoors. This is common when they won't ripen on the plant.

This article will offer more information:


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