Q.Rhododendron Buds Or Leaves Or Both?
Hello there, I have three questions for you about our Rhododendrons. 1. How do I know if the rhodys are producing flower buds or just new growth (leaves)? 2. Are flower buds inside the new leaves? 3. If I remove the new leaf growth, will the rhody still grow a flower bud this year? I am sending photos of four of our rhody plants, each one numbered 1-4. I have a question about each plant as follows: Photo Rhody1: Where does the flower bloom/bud grow? If I remove this growth will I also remove the chance that this bush will bloom? Photo Rhody2: Where does the flower bloom grow and when? If I remove this growth will I also remove the chance that it will bud later? Photo Rhody3: These all look like flower blooms. Is that correct? Photo Rhody4: How can one tell if this is new leaf only, or if there is a bud inside there? Thanks for any help you can provide! Renee Quistorf

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Unfortunately, your photos did not come through. Typically, removing growth before flowering is a no-go for these shrubs. Any time that you do so, it will halt flowering for that year.