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Hyacinth Plant


Anonymous added on January 31, 2017 | Answered

My neighbor helped me repot my rhododendron last Monday. I said it my be too high whereby he proceeded to push the plant down. I said the roots are meant to be slightly higher and said air was pushed out. He said it would all be ok. But I am worried, as the plant is now about 5 years old and was my first purchase. I made aeration holes with a metal pole on sides of the rootball. But should I relift the plant to be 100% sure of air circulation at the rootball or is ok since it in fresh compost, which does have wood bits in it? Please advise as soon as possible, as I do not want it to be too late. I am watching for leaf drop a I and m not sure if there is any leaf droop. Thank you. Rose

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 1, 2017

Rhododendron roots do need air, but this should come from a light and loamy soil mix.
Make sure the pot has adequate drainage holes, and the potting mix can be a combination of potting soil, compost and pumice.

It is more important to make sure the root ball is at the same depth as in the previous pot.

Correct watering is very important for a potted Rhododendron. Soil should be damp but never soggy. Root rot is the most common loss of Rhododendrons, in pots or the ground.

If you feel the plant was improperly planted and want to make the above corrections, by all means go ahead.


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