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Soil Amendments

Q.Reviving Soil After Sifting

Zone CH45 1LL | iroganator@gmail.com added on August 3, 2022 | Answered

Newish to serious gardening I have just removed all the soil from a raised garden bed that has never had plants in apart from a small round privet and a bamboo tree I removed the privet and removed all the soil and all the attempted growth of the bamboo tree and that I found extended about 8 foot but had not made it above ground yet. I did not remove the actual bamboo tree itself. After sieving all the crap out of the soil I am left with very dusty dry soil with small stones (eighth of an ins or smaller) that made it through the sieve. Do I also need to remove those or will they help with drainage? I assume I can revive the soil by adding compost and mulch and left it for the winter. Any other tips. Should add some earth worms to? I am going to cast a small concrete wall between the bamboo tree and the rest of the plants hand hopefully it won’t strangle them.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 3, 2022

I don't see anything wrong with leaving the smaller pebbles. They will help with drainage. I DO think that your idea of adding compost is good. Turn it in with your soil. After, you can add earthworms, then mulch over them. These are all great ideas!





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