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Bird's Nest Ferns

Q.Repotting From 6\

Zone Grand Prairie TX 75052 | Anonymous added on April 23, 2022 | Answered

Just purchased a Japanese Bird Nest plant in a 6″ pot. I have an in house planter 10’wide 14′ high. How do I transplant.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 25, 2022

I'm a little concerned that planter might be too big to move it into just yet. Does the plant seem rootbound in the 6 inch pot or is it a nursery pot that you'd like in a nicer container? The rule of thumb is only go up one or two sizes when repotting because if there is a lot of excess soil in the container you can end up overwatering and killing the plant.

These are epiphytic plants which mean they usually grow on a host such as a tree or structure. So they need a very well draining soil mix such as peat moss, coarse sand, and perlite.

Here is more information and care of the plant:


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