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African Violets

Q.Repotting African Violets

Zone Zone 4, Central Wisconson | Anonymous added on April 1, 2016 | Answered

How do I repot African Violets that have become overgrown and hanging over the pot they are in? The plants look healthy but have long stems where dead leaves have been pulled off. Do I need to root them in water or just repot them deeper? Can I cut off the root part so the stem is not so long?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 2, 2016

These african violets have long necks and should be re-potted. When re-potting african violets you will be cutting away part of the root ball bottom and re-potting the violet back into the same pot with the addition of some fresh soil.

For more information on growing african violets, please visit the following link:

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