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Jade Plants

Q.Repotted My Jade Plant And Now It Doesn’t Look So Good.

Zone 11103 | ErinGallagher added on June 15, 2020 | Answered

I repotted my jade plant I’ve had for years a couple of months ago, from a 9” ceramic pot to a 13” terra cotta pot. I put little rocks at the bottom for drainage and used a succulent potting soil mix. Now half of the leaves seem shriveled and turning brown. Could this be root rot? Did I move it to too big of a pot? (I wanted it to grow bigger.) Any tips would be appreciated! It was doing so well for years I’d hate to lose it now.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 17, 2020

It is, probably, just a little too big. Usually, with a little extra care, this can work out just fine.

Just make sure that you water, only, when it is completely dry down to about 2 inches. If there is any moisture at all, then hold off on watering.

Make sure that when you do water you let all extra water to drain off. Sitting water will cause infection.

Here is an article that will give you more information on the care of the plant:


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