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Rhododendron Plants

Q.replant rhododendron

Anonymous added on August 19, 2015 | Answered

I’m not much of a gardener but I have a gardening related question. I have a rhododendron that is root-bound in an 18-in pot. It is clinging to dear life. I would like to replant it so that it could regain its health. The question is, should I do it now (mid-August) or next spring? As far as technique, I thought I would just dig a hole, line the hole with rhododendron food, cut the pot vertically in a few places to get it off, move the rhododendron in the hole, cover up and water it well. Any advice would be appreciated.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 21, 2015

You could actually transplant the shrub in fall rather than waiting until spring.

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