Q.Replacement For Ajuga With Southern Blight/Crown Rot
We have a beautiful focal point in the very front of our yard that was a gorgeous stand of ajuga with the lovely spring blooms. It has been declining the last several years and I have determined that it has succumbed to Southern Blight (we are in Atlanta) or crown rot. Everything I am reading suggests digging it and the soil out and replacing. I have ajuga in other areas that is lovely. I would prefer to keep the ajuga, but not the way it is now. Can you suggest a way to salvage the ajuga, or dig out and replace with something similar that will make a nice combination planting with the surrounding daffodils?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You could certainly dig it out and replace the top few inches of soil with a combination of compost and topsoil. Then purchase some of the newer varieties of ajuga or dig some up from your other stands.
If you are worried about the pathogen infecting new ajuga, you can try one of these: