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Soil Amendments

Q.Replace A Well Draining Potting Mix With Little Watering

rachelamante9 added on October 5, 2020 | Answered

Most plants requires a well draining potting mix but it is hard to maintain specially for people who don’t know much about gardening. Now my question is that can I just replace a well draining mix with basically not overwatering? As in literally not pouring too much water.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 6, 2020

The problem with compact soil in container is that it becomes too compact, very quickly. This will suffocate roots, and eventually kill the plant. You really want the soil to dry out ,quickly, between watering. Wet soils tend to invite infections.

There is no replacement for good watering practice, unfortunately, and what is correct can vary from plant to plant.

Practice makes perfect.



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