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Magnolia Trees

Q.Removing Shrub/Tree Roots Without Killing Surrounding Shrubs

teddyjennifluff added on May 11, 2013 | Answered

We are trying to clear a space for a summer house, removing a number of shrubs and trees but keeping some. Some of the roots are particularly stubborn and are proving difficult to dig out of our clay soil. I am desperate to protect my magnolia, which I want to keep, and am resisting chemicals that might damage it. Would appreciate advice and suggestions. Thanks.

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Answered on May 21, 2013

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Answered on May 12, 2013

There are some herbicides with long-lasting residual effects. They are typically broadcast on the ground, while some are applied by other means. Make sure the herbicides you may use to kill trees and shrubs you don't want to keep do not have "long-lasting trans-locating" properties. OR, just don't use herbicides at all. If you aren't planning on planting in the area soon, the roots will decay in time. If you don't disturb the magnolia roots under it's dripline, it shouldn't be damaged. Remember to always follow package directions.

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Answered on May 12, 2013

Hi, I don't want to move the magnolia, I just want to keep it and protect it from anything/chemicals that might kill it. A neighbour had a tree and after using chemicals to kill the stump, nothing would grow anywhere near, I am keen to avoid that!! does that make sense? sorry if it was unclear before.

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Answered on May 11, 2013

Please forgive me for being dense, but do you want to transplant the magnolia? What do you wish to protect it from, and what chemicals are you trying to avoid?

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