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Wandering Jew Plants

Q.Removing Purple Queen

Anonymous added on February 10, 2011 | Answered

I did not know that the plant, Purple Queen, was a wandering plant and now it is all over my garden, growing into my grass. How can I either kill it or remove it? I have tried pulling it out, but it always spreads anyway. I hate it!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 11, 2011

I'm so sorry the Purple Queen has taken over! Isn't it funny how some people love it and ask for clippings or will buy it? I think it looks great in hanging baskets but there's a time and a place for everything, right? lol
I had researched how to get rid of this evasive, creeping monster for a neighbor of mine not long ago. Here are the 3 options I found~
~manually pull it all out and discard it without dropping any of it on other parts of your lawn or garden and pulling up new shoots as they appear.
~paint Roundup on the leaves rather than spraying it on. It is tedious and time consuming but I've heard it works. Also, it gets down into the roots so the plant does not re-emerge.
~spray with Amitrol 4L plus fixative. Wait for 3 months until the browning starts to happen then rake off and burn. Repeat spot sprayings as required.
I hope one of these suggestions will work for you...

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