Q.Removing Cactus Scale
I was given two large cacti recently and just realized they have scale. Unlike the usual soft scale, this is very hard to remove! If it is, indeed, scale, what is the best way to remove it? Can I use a systemic? Just for info, the plants are in a south window, which is all I have, and I do not have any outdoor access. The only way to isolate them is to put the plant in a clear plastic bag, as they are in a small apartment with many plants. As far as I can see, the infestation has not yet spread to other plants. Pics below..they are not of the worst section, but I thought they are clearer to see
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Yep! This is one of the many types of armored scale. It is treated the same way, but you have to get the ones that have already sealed themselves in, by hand, first. I always take a baby wipe and get what I can off of my indoor trees and plants before I spray. They are a big problem when they are in an indoor setting.
My go to is using azadiractin (The active ingredient in neem oil) and pyrethrins (The active ingredient in chrysanthemums). They are harmless to animals and humans when you use it correctly.