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Burning Bush Plants

Q.Burning bushes

Zone Jacksonville, Florida 32226 | jjpr728 added on April 6, 2016 | Answered

Relocated two 4′ Burning Bushes to N.E. Florida from Western North Carolina. I have two burning bushes in Jacksonville, Florida and they are not producing any leaves. I live on the St. John’s River and the shrubs have been planted in the ground 60′ from the river for two years. I can see the beginning of the buds appearing to be new growth of the bush on the stalk, but I can’t make anything happen with them. Is there anything I can do to improve the chances for growth? If you need pictures, please let me know.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 6, 2016

The effects of transplant shock can last up to a year from transplanting.
Leaf Scorch, yellowing leaves, curling leaves and leaf drop are all indicators of transplant shock and lack of water.
The fine parts of the roots are either damaged or dead and can't take up the water.
A weak solution of sugar water can be given to the plants. 3/4 cup sugar to 1 gallon of water given to the shrub once a week. This can actually boost it's metabolism and help it convert sunlight into energy.
Soil should stay wet but not soggy, monitor it, do not water on a schedule.
A stressed plant can become more susceptible to other disease and insects.
Keep an eye out for these issues.


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