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Camellia Plants

Q.Relocated Camellia Wilted

Anonymous added on October 2, 2011 | Answered

A couple of months ago I relocated one of my camellias to another location. It’s medium size. When digging up the rootball, I lost part of the tap root. It seemed fine for a week, then began wilting, now only a few leaves left. Is there anything I can do to revive it? I moved several others at the same time in the same general area and they look wonderful! Would appreciate any advice before I cut it down or dig it up.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 3, 2011

It is most likely in shock due to the lost tap root, but its chance of survival is still good providied that you give it some extra TLC. This article may help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/environmental/learn-how-to-avoid-and-repair-transplant-shock-in-plants.htm

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