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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Regrowth on Serrano plants after rabbits

Anonymous added on July 10, 2015 | Answered

Rabbits ate the tops of several Serrano plants that were about 1 ft tall. They’ve started growing back but the new leaves are very narrow and aren’t smooth like the leaves that were spared on the plant. Also, the plants don’t seem to be gaining any of their lost height back. What is causing the misshapen leaves? Will the grow peppers?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 12, 2015

With that kind of damage, the plant is likely low on energy and this is causing the misshapen leaves. Provide it with some additional fertilizer to help it gain back its energy quicker.

As for the height, it likely will not get as tall as it could have due to the pruning it received. It has been forced to fall back on its axillary buds which are prone to horizontal growth rather than vertical growth. They will grow upwards, but in a more spreading fashion than the plant would have originally.

But, if the plant can gain back its lost energy, it still should produce peppers for you.

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