Q.regal prince oak trees
I gave my daughter two Regal Prince oak trees to plant in her yard and they were planted mid October. She planted and watered them correctly. They dropped their leaves late fall and I am concerned that they will not flourish in the spring. I have the same tree in my yard and over the years it has grown and holds on to its leaves all winter long. The internet indicates this might be due to stress. I was wondering if you could add any information about an oak tree dropping its leaves and if it will be alive in the spring. Thanks
This is a newer variety of columnar Oak tree. They have a two toned leaf color and are known to be resistant to mildew.
They are excellent as a planted in rows as a screen.
Regal Prince Oak are adaptable to most planting locations.
The most crucial part of success with this tree, or really any new planting, is watering.
It is recommended you water this tree weekly at least, in the absence of rain you may need to increase.
If you are uncertain if it needs water you will want to dig down 6 to 8 inches, if it is dry and crumbly soil, your tree needs water.
Adding 3 to 4 inches of hardwood mulch is recommended to help with moisture retention. Do not put the mulch up against the trunk of the tree.
Yes, the tree likely dropped it's leaves from transplant stress. If properly planted and cared for your tree will likely come out of dormancy and began to grow in spring.
There is always the risk of a new tree not surviving. Most reputable garden centers or greenhouses offer a guarantee for new trees and will replace them if they do not survive the winter or die within 1 year.
It's always best to retain your receipt.