Q.Redirecting Yucca growth
Our house was built 3 years ago as a newly developed home. Landscaping was part of the finished product. The front entrance is rarely used, but there are two yucca plants one on each side. I understand this was a poor choice by the builder to decide to place these plants in this distinct location; however, I did not realize this until now. Both yucca plants are over 5 feet tall and about 5 feet wide and they both have bloomed for the first time this year. I prefer not to have to transplant these beautiful plants, as I have grown to love them and treat them well along with all my other flowers. However, if I don’t find a solution to the problem of which they both seem to be growing right onto the path of the sidewalk, my husband is going to remove these two plants entirely from our yard. Please help me figure out what to do!!
Yucca is not a good plant for a walkway. They grow quickly and the leaves can be razor like if brushed against.
I would recommend relocating them to another part of your yard.
Here are some links to help you.