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Redbud Trees

Q.Redbud Roots

Zone Fresno California Zone 9 | Thecook251 added on August 13, 2017 | Answered

Are redbud roots invasive if they are planted over a water line going from the well to the house ? What about a propane line going from the propane tank to the house ?
Thank you

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 14, 2017

Redbud has a tap root that can go quite deep if soil type and conditions are right. This is why the Redbuds are considered extremely stable in inclement weather for a smaller tree. Their surface roots can extent at least as far as its canopy is wide (10' to 15'. They have shallow surface roots that are thin and not considered invasive or aggressive. This small tree can be planted near patios, decks, and foundations without problems. As far as the tape root causing any problems; all trees are opportunistic and will, if exposed to the water provided by a leaking pipe, exploit this resource. A distance of 15' to 20' from septic tanks, drainage systems etc. would be wise.

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