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Boston Ivy

Q.Red Spots Appear On Boston Ivy As Season Progresses

Zone 6b | Anonymous added on March 23, 2022 | Answered

My Boston Ivy is over 20 years . It has progressed along a courtyard brick wall very nicely. I do keep it trimmed but have had to deep trim it because leaves from top of wall 8 ft, downward get red spots or like rust. So I pick them all off. Wall has a top cement plate across where Ivy grows across. I’m am under a canopy of very large trees. New Ivy leaves do not have any red spots.Eventually they do. How do I get rid of this?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 24, 2022

Your ivy looks lovely! It's likely a fungal issue so removing and disposing of the leaves is excellent. Also, avoid overhead watering. Just water at the base of the plants. They do better in part shade. Yours looks like it may be in full shade.

Here are some possibilities to this malady:




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