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Red Hot Poker Plants

Q.Red Hot Poker Plant

Zone St. George, Utah 84790 | Anonymous added on June 13, 2020 | Answered

I just bought a Red Hot Poker Plant in New Mexico. I live in St. George Ut. I planted the plant in a sunny area with room to grow on a layer of potting soil. The leaves are starting to turn yellow. I have watered it and even applied ice to keep it cool. What more can I do to save it?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 15, 2020

Red Hot Poker likes full sun so ice isn't necessary. Yellowing leaves could be a sign of overwatering. It is not necessary to water every day. Let the top inch or so of soil dry out between watering. Also, they do not like wet feet, so well-drained soil is a must. Here is more information on their care:



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