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Raspberry Plants


Zone 52037 | Anonymous added on August 29, 2018 | Answered

My raspberry bushes have been overtaken by beetles this year. They are currently producing berries, but not healthy ones. I would like to cut the bushes down and forego harvesting this year, but an not sure if this action will kill the bushes. Essentially, will early pruning during production harm my raspberry bushes?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 30, 2018

If you are going to cut these back, I would recommend cutting them only halfway, as the fruit grows on the older brambles. As far as getting rid of the insects, I recommend a few things that I use as well. You can mix one or more of the following in warm water: rosemary oil, garlic oil, lavender oil, neem oil. Also, wettable sulfur can be used to deter pests.

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