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Animal Control In The Garden


Zone Le Claire is | christinefullmer15@gmail.com added on August 24, 2017 | Answered

What can I use to keep raccoons out of my new garden. They keep digging up plants as soon as I plant and replant them?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 24, 2017

That sounds like squirrel behavior. They love newly dug dirt for tucking away winter provisions. If it is a raccoon, there isn't much short of trapping it or using an electric fence. Since they can dig and climb and have amazing hand dexterity, typical fencing techniques are ineffective. If you have a water feature, they will like you! Make sure bird feeders are inaccessible; raccoons like nuts and some seeds. You might rig up a motion-activated light or sound system to scare them away. Of course, this will drive your insomniac neighbors bonkers. I wonder if putting a row cover over the top will deter them. Unfortunately, I don't know if they hunt veggies more by sight or smell. Good luck.

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