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Q.Question About Lithops That Seem To Be Stuck In Winter For Third Year In A Row.

Zone 5200 | Lobodugald added on March 10, 2022 | Answered

Good day everyone. I got some Lithops from someone who was obviously watering them every winter. So they have two sets of old leaves still stuck on them and healthy (no sign of drying out) and it’s going to be winter again soon so I’m estimating that these plants have been so over watered that they are now going on for their third year of being “stuck in winter”. I’m worried the old leaves will choke the new plant because they have already made the plants grow right up away from the soil. Now it’s obvious that I am NOT to water them until all sets of old leaves shrivel and die but is there not something else I can maybe do to prevent the plants from possibly dying? I want to know if I can cut the old leaves off with a small sharp scissors to help the plants back into the correct cycle of life?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 11, 2022

I would not disturb them. They are going to be very slow growers. You can feed them, however, when you resume watering. Just be sure to mimic their native environment as much as you can.


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