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Q.Question about forcing spring bulbs?

Zone 7B-Birmingham, Al | Anonymous added on March 28, 2020 | Answered

I purchased tulips & daffodils in late fall thinking I would force them in the spring. I knew the tulips needed chilling. So I put the tulips in the fridge and the daffodils in my cool basement (just in their bags). Now, I want to plant them in pots to bloom for Easter. However, I have read now that I should have put them in pots back in the fall and stored in fridge and basement, respectively. Will they grow and bloom if I just plant them up in pots now and put in the sun? I’m actually thinking about forcing the tulips in water and putting the daffodils in a couple of pots.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 29, 2020

It may be too late to force the tulips for Easter but give it a try:


You can plant the daffodils now; they may still grow and bloom in time for Easter.

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