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Pyracantha Plants

Q.Pyracantha Bush Branches

Zone California | Joan added on June 11, 2013 | Answered

I have a very tall pyracantha bush which is starting to lean forward. Some branches have brownish hive-looking clusters on them which are very hard. The bush itself and foliage looks very healthy. Is this some sort of disease? The bush is over 50 years old. Thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 17, 2013

If the hive looking clusters are small, like about the size of a golf ball, then they may be praying mantis egg sacs, which are good to be in the garden.

If the hive like things are actually part of the wood, it is likely galls, which are also not harmful.

If they are larger than this, then we would need to see a picture to identify them. You can attach it to this email and send it back to us.

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