Q.Putting Lime on a lawn
My yard is heavy clay and I had the soil tested by WV University and the pH was 4.3. The recommended amount of lime was 160 lbs per 1000 sq ft. I realize that amount is probably too much for one application. I have already put down 50 lbs per 1000 sq feet. When can I put down another 50lbs/1000sq feet? I aerated the yard before putting down the pelleted lime. I also seeded.
Tom Spriggs

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I have heard a recommendation that one should wait three months between soil amendment applications. You could continue with your plan, adding approximately 50lbs per 1000sq ft 3 months from now and then again 6 months from now (or when the soil can be worked again in the spring). Each time, mix well with the soil to ensure good contact since this is necessary to effectively change the pH. Or, follow the package instructions for incorporating pelleted lime.