Q.Pussy Willow Bush
why is my pussy willow bush not blooming catkins?
I planted it from a cutting in the summer (after blooming season), and it thrived the first year, but didn’t bud much. Later that 2nd summer the leaves became covered in little brown fuzzy things — about 1/8″ diameter. I thought they killed the plant, so I clipped off the branches in the fall. The following spring (this year), new branches grew, but nothing resembling buds appeared. It has a lot of leaves now, which are jagged around the edges. I started to think maybe I was growing a very strong weed (it’s about 5-6′ tall now), so I did some research, and found some information about this plant sometimes having serrate margins, so I hope it’s still the pussy willow.
So, I guess my question is why it is not blooming. Do I need to feed it something?
Thank you for your guidance.

Pruning needs to done after blooming, so pruning at other times can remove the next seasons catkins.
Here is a link to refresh on the care requirements.