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Purple Fountain Grass

Q.Purple Fountain Grass In Containers

Zone Staunton VA 24401 6B | dgorgo1 added on October 7, 2022 | Answered

Is there a specific type of fertilizer that is suitable for these plants and, is it necessary to fertilize them. When the flowers (or plumes) turn brown during the summer or fall, is it necessary to remove them?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 10, 2022

In your area, and since you are growing in container, your care routine will be a little different than typical. Since you will be dividing and repotting each Spring, it won't usually be necessary to use fertilizers. You will refresh the soil in Spring as it is being divided and planted back.

As far as pruning goes- Sure! You can do this before bringing them back in for the Winter.



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