Q.Purple Coneflower
I’m in Ohio, this summer is the 1st yr, I grew Purple Coneflower’s from seed. Since they where seeds, they are sprouts right now, Big sprouts thou. I didn’t realize, after they grew from seed to small sprouts, I took em out of the pot straight to my yard. I have about 8-10 of em. Very big sprouts. I didn’t know I should have spaced them out more. I’m worried that by Spring of 2017, they will be over crowded. My question is”should I leave em alone, then in Spring say April, dig some up and transplant or do it now?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You can leave them there until you start to see a crowding problem. Try not to disturb them much when they are little. In the wild they establish themselves in dense patches, so they are adapted to these close quarters. When they spread too much, you can move some elsewhere, and thin the heard.