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Ash Trees

Q.Purple Ash Tree Leaves Withering and Falling Off

Zone 4? | thergenr added on August 9, 2011 | Answered

My Purple Ash tree is 8 years old or so (trunk 6-8″ at base of tree). It has just starting losing leaves from certain branches. They start by curling up, then yellowing and even turning brown before they fall off. I’ve not found any insects on them, but they do look like they may have some damage from insects. The rest of the tree looks healthy and I have a sprinkler system that has watered it with the same frequency and water time for years. Any ideas for care or treatment? Thanks, Tom

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 15, 2011

Because it is an ash tree, I would recommend having an arborist out to see it immediately. Emerald Ash Borer has become a serious pest in the US over the past few years and threatens to wipe out ash trees in the US. The tree needs to be checked for this pest and, if infected, will need to be removed and destroyed.

It may just be a fungus, and the tree will only just need a treatment of fungicide, but the Emerald Ash Borer is such a serious pest, that you need to have a professional on site to look at the tree and determine the cause of the issue.

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