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Hyacinth Plant


Zone Battle Creek, MI | Sean Murphy added on February 12, 2017 | Answered

Every year we use pumpkins for enrichment and decoration for Halloween and typically they are thrown away afterwards. Right now we have dozens of pumpkins that have been sitting outside since Halloween through the temperature changes, snow, and rain. Are the seeds of these pumpkins still good to plant? If so, do I need to wait until spring to plant them or could I sow the ground now and throw the whole pumpkin(s) down and let them “naturally” spring up? Thanks!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 13, 2017

Yes, the seeds of pumpkins left outdoors are often still viable, and "volunteer" plants will often grow from these seeds if the pumpkin is not cleaned up. So, you could either let the seeds grow naturally from the pumpkins or pick the seeds out and plant them in spring:


The second method is more reliable in terms of knowing how many plants you will get, but either should work.

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