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Pumpkin Plants

Q.Pumpkin Vine With Only Female Flowers Is Developing Fruit.

Zone 01864 | Anonymous added on September 28, 2021 | Answered

I have a couple of vines and a few fully ripe pumpkins already. Now that it is the end of the season, the vines are starting to die back but still produce female flowers weekly. No male flowers at all. So far, I have 2 Fruits growing but there were no male flowers to pollinate them. How is this possible? I do not have any neighbors growing pumpkins…

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 12, 2021

You may have bees or other insects pollinating them, and they're possibly being pollinated by other similar plants, such as certain strains of squash. If you have other plants within the same species as your pumpkins, they can cross pollinate.

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