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Pumpkin Plants


Zone 7a | co692op added on July 4, 2022 | Answered

I am growing a pumpkin in a grow bag and it seems to have gotten some sort of disease. Can the plant be saved and what disease does it have?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 6, 2022

I see the start of a possible Downy Mildew infection. This will cause a rapid decline in the plant's health. Watering can be tricky in these sort of pots, and I do not recommend strongly rooted vining plants in them. In my experience, they will either be overwatered, or underwatered. It is difficult to manage without a drip line and timer.

Fungicides will be necessary.


Moisture monitoring is a must:


This will help you to grow pumpkin in container:


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