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Sago Palm Trees

Q.Pruning Frost Damaged Sago Fronds

Anonymous added on January 21, 2011 | Answered

We live in Zone 9, north of San Antonio, TX. Our sagos suffered much frost damage, 17 degrees. Can we save them by pruning, or are they out of their comfort zone and in needĀ of beingĀ replaced with something else?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 22, 2011

I am sorry to hear about your plant. This cold has damaged many plants this year. You will need to remove the yellow and brown fronds this spring but only those as they will not come back. Just use sharp shears to do so. Do not remove green parts of fronds. These articles will help you as well:


It is hard to say how well they will grow back. Sago palms do not deal well with lost fronds, but they have been known to recover fine.

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