Q.Pruning Zucchini plants
I’m a little confused at your info on your site. Are you saying IF I WERE TO CUT THE LEAVES FOR SUNLIGHT to cut them and the stem to the base? But then you say to cut off dead leaves and do not cut the stem or it will get diseased. Which do I do? Last year I cut the leaves off at the head and the plant died. I’m confused. Here’s what your article said. “When cutting leaves to give zucchini more sun, just cut the bigger ones, and make the cuts close to the base of the plant, leaving all others. You can also cut off any dead or brown leaves that may be present. Do not cut any stems, as this will increase the risk for disease.”

The following article(s) should be of some help to you: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/zucchini/pruning-zucchini-how-to-prune-zucchini-squash.htm