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Q.Pruning Top Of The Peach Tree

Zone 94306 | Anonymous added on February 14, 2023 | Answered

Hi, very helpful article on pruning peach trees. We had a 3 year old tree planted in February and it is now starting to flower nicely. My question is this. The tree is about 12 feet tall and i want to prune off the top so the fruit grows lower to the ground. However, the tall branches are where almost all the green leaves are, whereas the lower branches are where the new flowers are. Can i trim off the tall branches/green leafs without harming the tree? thanks

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 16, 2023

Follow the instructions below for pruning your fruit tree. Besides reducing the height, peach trees need to be pruned yearly for optimal fruit bearing. Peach trees need an open center form to allow as much sun as possible to reach the fruiting branches. That will also reduce the height . Ideally, prune when there are no leaves on the tree.



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