Q.Pruning Rose Bushes
How & when do you prune a Knockout Rose Bush?
Books are written on how to prune roses but Knock-Outs are easy. Anytime you notice dead or diseased wood, prune it out right away. Other pruning is done in early spring just before the leafs come out. You'll notice buds along the canes starting to swell: this is pruning time. Don't wait until later because the plant pours lots of energy into leafing out which it loses if you subsequently prune leaves off. And, it is easier to see the internal structure and what needs to be pruned. It used to be said prune when forsythia blooms but I find that timing too late by 1-2 weeks. First, remove old canes to the ground; more flowers come from younger wood. Remove branches that cross and rub against each other and dead, diseased or damaged canes. Remove canes which grow toward the center of the plant; opening up the center helps increase sunlight and improves air circulation. This helps prevent disease. Read this webpage: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/.../knockout-roses/prune-knockout- roses.htm