Q.Pruning Problem Dogwood
I have a 7-8 year old dogwood growing low to ground because of huge shade tree in front yard – was not thinking when I planted it. Needs to be pruned desparately since it has never been pruned and has wide span, very low. Want to prune, but since this crazy weather in northern NJ (Clifton), the tree is sprouting what I think are flower buds. They are tiny clusters of shiny hard buds, sometimes 6-7 buds per cluster. Do I prune, and how do I prune?
You can prune a dogwood anytime except spring when the sap is rising. They do bleed excessivly if pruned in spring. I prune dogwoods in late winter down to 3 or 4 buds from ground, this way you should get brightly coloured shoots for winter display. The older the wood the less of the colour remains.