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Blueberry Bushes

Q.Pruning Old Blueberry Bush

Anonymous added on March 4, 2011 | Answered

Moved into present location 1 1/2 years ago. It has two very old blueberry bushes. They are very bushy and one is about 8-10 feet tall. I have pruned out the old stuff. They have some new canes, very tall. Can I cut the very tall older canes and the newer canes that have buds on them back to 5-6 feet tall without killing the plant? I would like to also get some berries this year if possible.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 7, 2011

You can cut back the plant, but I would not do so all at once. Every year, cut back no more than 1/3 of the oldest canes, until you have got the plant back to a manageable size. Here is more information on pruning blueberries:

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