Q.Pruning an Aloe Houseplant
I need to straighten and repot an aloe plant. I also need to prune. How much of the leaf should be taken? I have read that using wooden sticks will help hold the plant straight once it’s repotted. Is this correct?

I have found the easieest way to straighten an old, overgrown aloe vera (?) is to pull the whole plant from its container, remove the pups, and cut the stem just barely above the soilball. If there are a few of the roots left on the stem, that's great but not absolutely necessary. I remove enough leaves (by peeling off the entire leaf) until there is a bare 3-4" stem. Insert the largest part of your plant upright, centered in new soil, then add all the pups you like to fill the pot. Water and just wait for it's new roots and new growth. You can use sticks to prop the main part, but personally, I'd rather see a short fat aloe sitting up straight in a pot than one leeaning on supports. I've been rejuvaniting my aloes this way for decades, and it works well for me.