Q.Pruning a Photinia
Outside my flat I have several of these shrubs which had grown within two years to a nice healthy height. Then the gardeners were instructed to cut them back a bit so that some re-painting of handrails surrounding the trough could be carried out.
The gardener went mad and butchered some of the plants hacking off branches from the bottom and middle of the plants. This has left some very large holes at eye level. I am campaigning to have them replaced and have been told that we have to wait and see if the leaves re-grow naturally. The plants are now blossoming but of course the new growth is all at the tops of the plants and I can’t see any action where the branches have been removed.
Who is right? I live in a managed block of flats with professional gardeners who have just been changed as the previous ones who caused the damage have been fired. I would really appreciate some actual knowledge to quote if there is any available – alternatively, if it is just a waiting game please let me know.
The first four attached photos show the gaps and holes the last one shows the undamaged plants.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You can make selectice pruning cuts within the shrub to open it up and let more light in. And it responds well to pruning back the top growth. However, never remove more than 1/3 of the total shrub at one time. In your case I'm not sure why he removed the bottom growth. If they haven't regrown by six months I would suspect they won't.