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Camellia Plants

Q.Pruning a camellia

Zone 30214, Zone 7 | Anonymous added on June 7, 2017 | Answered

Previous owners let the camellias grow to about 12 feet tall. They still produce beautiful blooms, but only in the upper half of the plant. This is due to other smaller shrubs that have grown up around the camellias to the point that below about 6 feet there are no branches on the camellias. I will be replacing the shrubs with something that does not grow as tall. Will the camellias be harmed if I cut them down to about 4 feet in height? At this height, there will be no leaves on the camellias.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 8, 2017

It is recommended that you bring down the size of your Camellia over a 3 year period of pruning.
Here are a few articles that will help you make these cuts and shape up your Camellia.


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