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Blue Spruce

Q.Pruning a blue spruce

Zone Spokane, WA | Kent R Burnham added on March 7, 2018 | Answered

I have a blue spruce about five feet tall. It is growing well, but at the four-foot level there is a bare space of about one foot where no branches have grown. Now it is growing a top notch above the blank space. Is there a way I can prune it to force growth in the blank space?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Lee M
Answered on March 8, 2018

Pinching back new growth on candles in spring will encourage the tree to push out further new growth throughout the rest of the growing season. I would also recommend a deep root feeding in early spring to give your tree a boost. Just a note: Blue Spruce require full sun. Shading or too much moisture on any part of the plant can encourage a disease called needle cast, in which needles turn a purplish-brown and die back. Bare areas on the tree can be an early sign.

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